2021 Publications

Prevalence and Risk Evaluation of Diabetic Complications of the Foot Among Adults with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in a Large Canadian Population (PEDAL Study)

The lower limb complications of diabetes contribute significantly to patient morbidity and health-care costs in Canada. Despite practice guidelines, awareness of and screening for modifiable early pathologies has been inconsistent. This study reported the prevalence and types of early foot pathology in a large Canadian diabetes population. Reduced pedal pulses, sensory neuropathy and onychomycosis were reported in 8.9%, 16.7% and 14.5% of those in the type 1 diabetes group, and 19.4%, 26.6% and 28.7% of those in the type 2 diabetes group, respectively. Hyperkeratosis was present in 51% and foot deformities were present in 44.5% among both groups. Foot ulcer prevalence was 1.7% and significantly associated with other pathologies such as pedal pulses, sensory neuropathy, hyperkeratosis and onychauxis after adjusting for sociodemographic and clinical data. This study highlights the need for early foot pathology screening to alleviate the morbidity and economic burden of advanced complications

Specialist-led diabetes registries and predictors of poor glycemic control in type 2 diabetes: Insights into the functionally refractory patient from the LMC Diabetes Registry database

Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease in Type 2 Diabetes: The Canadian Registry of Chronic Disease in Diabetes Outcomes (CREDO) Study

Chronic kidney disease in patients living with type 2 diabetes is often associated with an increased risk of developing end-stage kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and death. Given the continuous expansion of treatment options available for chronic kidney disease among the type 2 diabetes population, an analysis of treatment outcomes is required. The CREDO study examines the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes utilizing the Canadian LMC Diabetes Registry to evaluate treatment patterns, patient characteristics, and health care provider rationale for initiating therapies. The findings of the study enhance the current understanding of treatment options available for patients with chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes while providing a comprehensive strategy for comorbidities, cardiovascular and kidney risk protection.

Specialist-led diabetes registries and predictors of poor glycemic control in type 2 diabetes: Insights into the functionally refractory patient from the LMC Diabetes Registry database